User Cache


General Cache Information

APCu Version4.0.10
PHP Version5.3.29
APCu ( (
Server SoftwareLiteSpeed
Shared Memory1 Segment(s) with 128.0 MBytes
(mmap memory)
Start Time2016/12/08 15:10:56
Uptime 25 minutes
File Upload Support1

Cache Information

Cached Variables473 ( 1.2 MBytes)
Request Rate (hits, misses)822.25 cache requests/second
Hit Rate821.45 cache requests/second
Miss Rate0.80 cache requests/second
Insert Rate43.05 cache requests/second
Cache full count0

Runtime Settings

Warning: ini_get_all() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/mypayingcryptoad/public_html/app/webroot/cc/apcu.php on line 808

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mypayingcryptoad/public_html/app/webroot/cc/apcu.php on line 808

Host Status Diagrams

Memory Usage
(multiple slices indicate fragments)
Hits & Misses
 Free: 126.8 MBytes (99.0%)  Hits: 1243679 (99.9%)
 Used: 1.2 MBytes (1.0%)  Misses: 1208 (0.1%)

Detailed Memory Usage and Fragmentation

Fragmentation: 0.66% (859.4 KBytes out of 126.8 MBytes in 96 fragments)